India and Gurus!

A widespread chaos has spread in Northern India with the conviction of Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh in a case of sexual assault. This has put the credibility of Gurus in different parts of the country to test. Foreign media is questioning how a modern India could be in thrall of these self-styled godmen or Gurus . Here are some excerpts from the coverage of this event by international media houses - BBC - "How a divided India fuelled the rise of the gurus?" Washington Post - "If anything, however, the situation in Panchkula illustrates how intractable the guru world remains in India’s globalizing social and political circles.” France24 - “Like other thousands of gurus in India, Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh is, above all, a powerful man.” Australia's ABC - “Some Indian holy men can summon thousands of supporters on to the streets. Their systems of patronage and sermons are hugely popular with people who think the government has failed them.” So, let...