Till 'Society' Do Us Part

S o I watched ' Dhadak ' this weekend. Booking the tic kets itself was an act of valor as the movie had received widely negative reviews. But contrary to the popular opinion, I found the rom com worth watching and worth my time. The main plus point of the movie is its genre. With the Bollywood wildly romanticizing the genres of biopics and nationalism, I must say, the movie brings with itself a breath of fresh air. The story revolves around two young passionate lovers who find themselves trapped in the hierarchy of the society and ultimately fall victim to it. What shook me to the very core was the ending of the movie. There was a stunned silence in the theater, as everyone's mind was blown away with the harsh reality of ' Honor killing' . After watching the movie, a person feels nothing but sorry for the society and for the people living in it . Over the years, we have fabricated for ourselves such a large number of traditions, values...