That Widowed Indian Woman!

The Supreme Court of India has declared triple talaq as unconstitutional in a judgement which is being considered as a milestone for women empowerment. This decision will help many muslim women to abstain from a life, which is at mere will of her husband's speech. So, this decision, in a way prevents muslim women from leading a life of 'half widow'. But, what about those women who are forced to live a pathetic life as widows due to death of their husbands? If you are into news, you would be fully ' unaware ' where I am going with this , because no news channel cares about them. Yes! What about the empowerment of Hindu women who lead a terrible life after the death of their husbands !! If you visit Mathura , Vrindavan or Radhakund , you will surely notice, women in white, singing bhajans, relentlessly in temples and ashrams, sometimes continuously for 7-8 hours. At first, one is quite impressed by their dedication towards Lord, but if one digs...